A National Conference
June 2, 3, 4, 2019

Presented and hosted by Presentation House Theatre

in association with the Vancouver International Children’s Festival

We’re excited!

Theatre for Young Audience (TYA) leaders from across Canada and the United States will gather here in June for the Digital Challenges for Young People in Theatre Conference. Why? To explore best practices and responses to today’s digital reality in live performing arts.

Downloadable Conference Information:

Global Context

Keynote speaker, Germany’s Dirk Neldner, will launch the conference with a global context of digital challenges and collaboration in TYA. He’ll share insights he’s gained through four years of international Creative Forums and Symposiums and his leadership of the pan European Digital Challenges for Young People in Theatre.

World Café & Hub Sessions

Day 1 continues with a series of World Café sessions to dive deep into the following:

  • Sharing best practices and innovations between our organizations
  • How we’re adapting, (or not) to our audiences as they are impacted the new reality of the Digital Revolution?
  • Using new technologies and platforms to better connect with our audiences

Delegates rotate through three World Café sessions. Everyone can explore and contribute to each issue.

Day 2 – Time to roll-up-your-sleeves in Hub Sessions.  In these working breakout groups, delegates will generate concrete strategies and action plans based on the World Café recommendations.

Meet, Greet, Eat & Catch-Up

There are plenty of chances to socialize and catch up with fellow TYA folks.  On-site meals and breaks are hosted by Presentation House Theatre and TELUS throughout the event. And delegates can mix and mingle at the conference’s opening reception at the Waterfront Theatre on Vancouver’s popular Granville Island (presented in partnership with Carousel Theatre).

Showcase Performances

Two new works by emerging artists will be showcased at the conference:

Arrive Early. Stay Late. Take It ALL In

Allow time to take in these performance festivals on either side of the conference dates:

For more information, contact Abigail Bueno, Conference Liaison at 604.990.3473.

Thank You!

We thank the Digital Strategies Program of the Canada Council for its support of this initiative.



PHOTO CREDIT: Photo by Ash Tanasiychuk. High Water by Macromatter.
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