through our Monthly Giving Campaign

by Marketing & Publicity Manager

Be Where Ideas Play

Monthly donations are a simple way to support the theatre you love. For $10 a month or more, you’ll automatically become a PHT Insider and gain access to behind-the-scenes perks! You’ll be privy to the inside scoop of what’s happening in our creative spaces and programs. Most importantly, you’ll help ensure ongoing sustainability for our organization.

What Insiders Support:

Insiders support the roots of PHT, by donating directly towards our overall operational cost. This allows us to focus on what we do best — creating community across generations and cultures through the professional performing arts! The impact of our Insiders can be seen in everything we do, and there isn’t a project that is presented in this building that hasn’t been supported by them. It really is an amazing chance to support a little piece of everything at the theatre.

If you are interested in large scale giving or would like to see more information about giving to the theatre, please reach out to our Development Associate, Linnea Perry, at

Become an Insider:

Simply sign up to become a monthly donor of $10/month or more. The more you give, the greater your impact on PHT and your community.

Here’s the Scoop! PHT Insiders get:
  • Annual tax receipt for your total yearly gift.
  • An opportunity to discover and support the work of Presentation House Theatre on a deep and meaningful level.
  • Public recognition with your name on our Lobby donor board.
  • Advance notice of show and event announcements, and other insider news.
  • Free access to special behind-the-scenes experiences, including tours, open rehearsals, first script reads, cast and crew meet and greets, pre- or post-show receptions, and the “stage manager experience”.*
  • One free “Bring Family & Friends”(BFF) voucher each season.**
  • Access to exclusive promotions to share with those near and dear to you.

*Special experiences and promotions arise and evolve constantly depending on scheduled events. These will be shared by PHT as they become available.
**BFF voucher is good for either two adult tickets or one adult and two children.  

Set up your monthly donation today!

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