Heavy and Light

by Araceli Ferrara
Heavy and Light OctoberOct 05 2023 04:00pm - 05:00pm America/Vancouver333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver, Canada
Family & Kids
Imagine a world where a stone can become a balloon!

Does a stone ever wonder what it’s like to fly? Do they sleep? Do they dream? Does a balloon long to be free from the earth? Where do they go if they fly away? We might not know what goes on in each other’s heads, but we’re curious to find out in this whimsical exploration of opposites. Hold on tight because this amusing adventure just might lift you off your feet!

Heavy and Light follows the story of He and She, an adventurous pair learning all about what it means to explore together. With themes around imagination, transformation, compassion and understanding, this show touches on both the science behind what makes something heavy and something light as well as the emotions and meanings behind those words.

For ages 3-7 and their favourite grown-ups!

Co-Production with theater wrede+ and Presentation House Theatre

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Presentation House Theatre, 333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver, Canada


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