Miss Fozzard Finds Her Feet written by Alan Bennett and directed by Jennifer Morabito. While working in “soft furnishings” in a department store and caring for her brother who has recently had a stroke, Miss Fozzard also finds herself needing a new chiropodist for her tired feet. Her weekly appointments with Mr. Dunderdale, a decidedly unconventional man and widower, soon raise the tricky question of who is treating whom!
Ares Requests written by Michael Doherty and directed by Michael Robinson. In the sequel to award-winning one-woman show Athena’s Self-Defence for Girls To Be”, Ares, the God of War, wonders what steps humanity could take to finally stop needing him all the time. As he reflects on his epic and illustrious past, in a realm outside of space and time, he also needs your advice. What else could the God of War become God of?
Presentation House Theatre, 333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver, CanadaDirections
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