Little Sister Grimm
April 12, 13 & 14, 2024

by Marketing & Publicity Manager

April 12, 13 & 14, 2024

$24 / $20 / $17

This show is approximately 60 minutes long with no intermission.

Bored and tired of doing chores, little Lotte Grimm sneaks a peek at a ‘broken’ fairy tale her older brothers have collected. To fix it, she finds a way to enter the story and save its heroine, but not everything goes as planned…

Based on historical research and using different types of puppets, this whimsical play gives a fresh perspective on how our classic fairy tales were first recorded, and how women contributed to their preservation. For anyone who loves puppets or fairy tales!

For all ages (5+ recommended)

Presented by Fallada Puppetworks in association with Presentation House Theatre

Created and Performed by Kris Fleerackers

Outside Eye and Story Consultant: Atma Frans

Thank You to Grimm Scholars Ann Schmiesing, Ewald Grothe, Berhard Lauer and Jack Zipes

A Fallada Puppetworks Production 

More info:

April 12, 13 & 14, 2024

Friday, April 12 – 7:00 PM
Saturday, April 13 – 4:00 PM
Sunday, April 14 – 2:00 PM

SHOW ADVISORY: Please note this show includes fairy-tale depictions of a hateful parent. If you have any accessibility needs, please reach out to our Box Office at or 604-990-3474.

Enjoy a sneak peek of Little Sister Grimm!

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