In this ground-breaking show for young audiences, Little Pea (French: Petit Pois) tells the story of a brave little green pea who escapes imprisonment but loses their families and friends in the process. The Storyteller discovers the lost little pea and embarks on an adventure to find them a new home. Using everyday objects to create a playful and whimsical realm, the Storyteller crosses roads, mountains, villages, and checkpoints to reunite the little pea with their peers in the vegetable garden.
Created and directed by Agnès Limbos, a master of Object Theatre from Belgium, Little Pea is a tender and silly exploration of hope and home!
For ages 4-7 and their favourite grown-ups!
A Kleine Compagnie Production
Presented by Presentation House Theatre
Presentation House Theatre, 333 Chesterfield Avenue, North Vancouver, CanadaDirections
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